Covering the intersection of marketing, customer experience and new technology.

Walmart takes in-home grocery delivery to the next level

Amazon’s in-home delivery is a bold step. Do people trust the brand enough to allow strangers into their homes? A combination of a smart lock and in-home camera provide some small level of assurance that delivery people are only coming inside your house as far as necessary to drop a package off and then leave.

In the digital age, people have been willing to trade privacy for convenience, but companies have lately been testing those limits. In-home delivery tests willingness to trade security for convenience, and it will be interesting to watch it unfold.

Now, Walmart is taking it to the next level with not just in-home grocery delivery - but in-home + in-fridge delivery. Here a smart lock is paired with a wearable camera so that homeowners can watch deliveries in progress from a delivery person point of view.

Full story via Walmart blog post here.

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