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Google and Omnicom team up on Generative AI for advertising

Google and Omnicom team up on Generative AI for advertising

The generative AI arms race was on full display last week in Cannes, with Omnicom touting a new partnership with Google as the first commercial use of the platform’s generative AI models for both text and image creation. Google is apparently also offering copyright protections, which should in theory make the assets more readily available for advertising.

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Omnicom is integrating Google’s generative AI models into the agency’s ad tech to give brands generative text and image capabilities. Omnicom is touting the partnership as the first commercial use of Google’s generative AI technology, which the search giant has kept mostly under wraps until now.

“ChatGPT kicked off a whole revolution about generative AI large language models,” said Jonathan Nelson, CEO, Omnicom Digital, during an interview at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. “What we’re announcing is that we’re the first ones to do a Google partnership with access to all their models … What we’re talking about today is it’s touching the commercial market for the first time in advertising.”

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Chick-fil-A launches mobile game, supports with TV ad

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