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Amazon AWS rolls out new GenAI platforms

Amazon AWS rolls out new GenAI platforms

Like many big tech providers, Amazon has been playing a bit of catch up to AI upstarts like OpenAI and Midjourney. But the Seattle company has been quickly rolling out new features and platforms to help it keep pace. Most recent are a business-focused chatbot and image generator, both capable of being trained on a company’s data for brand-specific use cases.

Amazon [has] upped its presence in the growing field of generative AI providers, rolling out a suite of tools specifically designed for enterprise clients.

A new AI chatbot and image generator led the charge. The chatbot, dubbed merely “Q,” is Amazon’s take on a business-focused ChatGPT. The platform is trained to learn how a client operates and thus provide more services pertaining to internal work items. “Titan Image Generator” is more like DALL-E, allowing clients to produce high-quality images from a text prompt, as well as edit preexisting images.

The release of Q and Titan Image Generator, which were announced at Amazon’s annual re:Invent conference, could have a significant impact on the sizable number of marketers that do business with Amazon Web Services. The important takeaway for the ad industry is that these new tools have been developed to handle the intricacies of business workflows, which often differ from one company to the next. 

Such focus has so far been elusive in the generative AI category, said Rowan Curran, a senior analyst at Forrester. Bots such as ChatGPT, he said, might be highly capable, but they are geared more toward general use, hence their public accessibility. Businesses require far more tailored use cases that hinge on digesting internal databases for more relevant outputs.

Full story at AdAge.

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