Covering the intersection of marketing, customer experience and new technology.

IAB and MRC finalize AR ad measurement guidelines

IAB and MRC finalize AR ad measurement guidelines

Adoption of Augmented Reality by marketers continues to grow and is moving beyond the gimmick phase. IAB and MRC opened public comments for AR ad measurement standards back in February, and have now published the final guidelines.

In collaboration, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Media Rating Council (MRC) have released their Augmented Reality (AR) Measurement Guidelines to establish clear and consistent definitions and measurement guidelines for ads within Augmented Reality campaigns.

The IAB AR Measurement Guidelines Task Force, working with MRC, set forth guidelines for advertisers and marketers to quantify how much media is delivered and gauge how well their media achieved their business objectives within AR media campaigns. Brands are increasingly utilizing AR in their media campaigns to connect with consumers in more meaningful and immersive ways.

The Augmented Reality (AR) Measurement Guidelines:

  • Effectively capture the impact of AR campaigns.

  • Set a framework to establish clear and consistent definitions for ad delivery, viewability, audience, engagement, and performance.

  • Include AR’s interactive and immersive formats as AR can accrue non-physical interactions with products as well as the physical interactions related to browsing in the context of attribution.

See more at IAB or Niantic.

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